Dr D’s Diagnosis

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The sun . . . at 5:11 AM?

You know what that means don't you? Right, we are geographically located in the wrong time zone. In fact the sky was brightening up at 4:23 this morning! And how do I know this? Well because we had a short term team here and their flight left this morning at 5:40 . . . so we had to leave the house at 4:20 or so to get there and hurriedly get them checked in to catch their flight.

So yeah, that was what I doing up at 4 this morning . . . but that still does not answer the questions about why Macedonia and frankly, the entire former Yugoslavia are on Central European time, rather than Eastern European time? As you can see here on this map Central European Time Zone is much much larger than Eastern European Time Zone? Why?

Well the most logical, yet most illogical, reason would be politics . . . that most of Eastern Europe wants to be identified with Western Europe period. This means the sun comes up at ungodly early in the day. It sorta like living in Alaska. A Warsaw Pact Alaska.

The simple truth is that I am a lazy bum and I think it should be dark when one drives out of the airport parking lot at 5:11 am and starts the drive back home. There is something wildly wrong about the sun peaking over the eastern mountains at 5 in the morning. I think I will go back to bed until the world rights itself.

Oh I forgot, it's already the middle of the day. No wonder I am so tired.