Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Day Four - The Rescue

This was an amazing day on 8/20/06. We caught everything you can imagine, small mouth bass, large-mouth bass, a mussel shell, a rock (got wedged into my lure in the most unlikely manner) and the most interesting catch of the day was a crayfish, a large one, which came in when Kimmy was checking up on why his minnow was not swimming around any longer. When he pulled the line in, the was a large crayfish gnawing away on Kimmy's minnow and he (the crayfish), was in no mood to let his supper go!

The section of the Susquehanna we fished today was a new section, filled with multiple water hazards and rapids. The river is incredibly wide, over 1/2 mile across most of the time, but when it is extra low like now, it creates some interesting rides over the rocks. There were also tons of canoes on the river today and few of the canoeists had not a single clue which end of the canoe was supposed to go down the river.

Late in the day in fact, we saw a swamped canoe with the canoeists waving their paddles. We came over to help them and it was a good thing we did. By the time we arrived at the rescue, two other canoes from their group were already there, but no one of them had a single idea about how to un-swamp the canoe and get their people back in there. Kimmy took care of that for them, pretty much all by himself. All I did was help one of them back into the canoe. I think they would still be in the water, although it is dark, had we not stopped to help.

God does this to me all the time. I need rescuing every day and almost never have a clue how to extricate myself from whatever I have gotten myself into. I get the feeling that God rescues me much in the same matter-of-fact way Kimmy emptied these poor canoeist-wannabe’s canoe of water. Then they were as good as new and ready to go again.