Dr D’s Diagnosis

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chaos and the big man

She drove her car right into the post! I know, because I was sitting there today in my car waiting for her to back up and leave, in order to park in her space. But it took her so long to back up, (and then she hit the post) that there were cars behind me blowing their horns and cars beside me blowing their horns, and we were sitting in the middle of this mess. The President of the Evangelical churches and I were sitting right in the middle of this bedlam, waiting for this gal to back out of one of the holes here that pass for a parking spot. With 5 cars blowing their horns and my Peugeot holding everyone at bay until she could back her car out . . . the pressure on her must have been immense! As usual, The Prez and I were howling at the chaos.

But soon you could not hear yourself think, much less have a conversation, and now in addition to blowing, people are swearing at us . . . somehow we had become the focal point of this pandemonium, and people are starting to roll down their windows and open their doors swearing and cursing us. It was rather hysterical . . . all this was happening because I was willing to wait three minutes for this car to back out of a hole! Now granted, it should have taken 15 seconds, but still three minutes is not too much. Anyways back to the chaos . . . a crescendo was building and getting louder and uglier, and finally Mirco decided to get out of my car, and help this lady by driving her car out of the hole for her.

Now Mirco is a very large man . . . a very imposing figure, especially in a country where most people are anorexia thin, he is very . . . noticeable. So when Mirco got out of my car, instantly every car stopped blowing, instantly every cursing driver began rolling up their windows and scrambling to move away from us! The silence was deafening! Folks, that is presence! The chaos ended the moment the big man expressed himself. Mind you the lady in the car banging into the post, almost ran him over, but Mirco standing with his imposing form, brought quick order to the situation.

Isn’t that exactly what happens with Christ? His presence expressed, genuinely expressed, brings an immediate result of some type. These big guys are impossible to ignore! I for one am glad that I am on the same side as both big men, Mirco and the Son of God.