How to stay clean in the garbage can?
Well the youth camp is going well and we are having a great time studying God's word together . . . but teaching holy living in today's world is much like teaching them how to stay clean in a garbage container! And the Eastern European garbage container is worse than most. Clearly none of us can do this apart from the power of God.
One of the themes we had this camp was Ephesians 2:10. This verse has all kinds of depth and layers to it, but the most interesting thing seems to be that God has prepared specific tasks for each of us to accomplish. Now what exactly does this mean? It says that God has prepared these good works in advance for us to accomplish. Moreover it seems clear that each individual has individual tasks that God has personally prepared for them to do. I guess you can choose to be excited about God’s direct involvement or angry about it, but it doesn’t really matter, He HAS prepared these tasks for you to do.
Some people have a problem with God mapping this out like this . . . but I think you had better get over it.
The bottom line is that God has things for us do . . . are we doing them?
One of the themes we had this camp was Ephesians 2:10. This verse has all kinds of depth and layers to it, but the most interesting thing seems to be that God has prepared specific tasks for each of us to accomplish. Now what exactly does this mean? It says that God has prepared these good works in advance for us to accomplish. Moreover it seems clear that each individual has individual tasks that God has personally prepared for them to do. I guess you can choose to be excited about God’s direct involvement or angry about it, but it doesn’t really matter, He HAS prepared these tasks for you to do.
Some people have a problem with God mapping this out like this . . . but I think you had better get over it.
The bottom line is that God has things for us do . . . are we doing them?