Dr D’s Diagnosis

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I wish I had their energy

Dr. B wore me out this week! He and Betty just flew out, heading to Jordan today. How I wish I had their energy! My prayer is that people in the CMA will listen to him and follow him. I have a keen appreciation for how tough his job is, and frankly can’t imagine how many different threads within the Alliance pull at him. I could never navigate the waters that he does.

I drilled him with questions for three days and he handled me with ease. But then again, I am a sissy compared the lions he has to face all the time. It was way cool to see them interact with the 20 + college students we had over to the house on Tuesday evening for a big bash. And even though they were tired from their trip from Spain to the hairy armpit, they stayed up longer than I thought they would and Dr. B is just a serious social bunny. He walks up to every person coming through my door and says, “Hi, my name is Gary.” I got weary just watching him connect with person after person.

I am so busted . . . I am going to bed, but when I grow up, I want to be just like that.