Dr D’s Diagnosis

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the midwives are coming - part 2 dva

It was a wild party. What do you expect with 30 midwives here? The house smells like a pack of Lucky Strikes this morning. Even though it is cold out, we opened the doors and windows and aired it out. But with 15 people smoking non-stop for 2 plus hours . . . it's going to take longer this time than usual to air out. Shoot by the time we get the smell out of the house, we will have another group here and it will begin again. Anyhoo here in this photo you can get a sense of how crowded our house was last night . . .

But that is what relationships look like when you are dealing with non-praying people . . . it took a long time for us to determine that we wanted nothing to stand in the way of relationships at a human level. What that means in the end is that none of my life preferences (smoking, drinking, dress, language, sexual orientation, etc, etc) can ever take priority over relationship.

. . . . and you can see from these two photos how much fun they were having playing games and laughing together . . .

It was clear and obvious how much these ladies love Brenda and so when it came time for the most important moment of the night, the midwives were listening so carefully to her testimony. It was the only five minutes of the entire evening when it was quiet. The rest of the night was total bedlam in typical Macedonian fashion. Here is a photo of Brenda giving her personal story of God.

I hope that you will join in with us praying for these girls . . . who are such lovely people, but so far from the Savior.