Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Our home runneth over - with females!

It has come once again to Skopje, the monthly invasion of women . . . all connected to my wife in some fashion! I swear, she has to be the most well-known woman in the entire country. I am largely known throughout the country as Brenda’s man. If I go to the store, all the people who work there want to know is, “How is Brenda?” or “Where is Brenda?” And that happens when I go to the market, the money exchange, the grocery store, the book store, the clinic, the hospital, the printing shop, heck I can’t even go to McDonalds without the girl taking my order asking, “Where is Brenda?” I don’t think any of the women actually know my name. That is probably good since I would have to then engage them in endless conversations extolling the virtues of my lovely wife, which would then in turn convince them that I am the village idiot, since all one can do when listening to Brenda’s virtues is just sit there and shake your head up and down. Not a bad thing to be said about her. She is reaching icon status here in the hairy armpit.

But as I was saying the invasion is on in about 24 hours and will last all weekend. I am actively devising strategies to hide and evade. Not that I don’t like these women, they actually represent the best and the brightest from all of our churches from across the whole of Macedonia. The are the creme of the crop . . . and Brenda is training them here once a month for a weekend of intense teaching. Then she lives on the road the rest of the month, visiting each of them in their own setting and situation. Mentoring them, coaching them, crying with them and laughing with them . . . no wonder they love her.

I leave for the States on Monday morning at 0:dark:30 . . . and I have a full day of services on Sunday . . . so I have plenty to keep me hopping and working. All in all this is a good invasion, I will just keep a low profile and cheerlead from the sideline. Just call me Brenda’s man.