Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Wasting time praying?

It was not the way that I prefer to use my mornings . . . a prayer meeting. On one hand, it had potential. We gathered together all the pastors of all the churches (a major miracle in and of itself) in one place to pray about the Global day of prayer, coming up soon.

So far we are an hour into this meeting of prayer, without having prayed a single time. Unfortunately this typifies my experience with prayer meetings . . . lots of talking . . . no listening . . . little prayer.

With the relational and organizational pressures of this week, my normal prayer time would have been much more effective. What drives (causes us) us to waste time praying in these fashions? Its like we delay getting around to God!

Of course there is no such thing as wasted prayer. Just wasted prayer meetings. I love it when people finally stop their little social talkings and start to pray, really pray from their hearts, calling out to the Living God. I need to find a way to spend far more praying and far less time flushing time down the drain.

Tonight was a much better example . . . and all with teenagers. Simple direct prayers, said with earnestness and faith. It was refreshing and a great end to a great worship practice. We rocked tonight, both in heaven and musically.