The monkey and the coffee grinder
A rainy Monday, filled with all types of challenges (read problems) and pressures. Its hard to find joy. Ministry too often feels like the proverbial monkey and the organ grinder (or was it a coffee grinder). Twisting in circles and going no where, while expending huge amounts of energy.
Confusion about the next step, tendencies to stay with what you know, unwillingness to risk, uncertainty about why you are doing this in the first place are the symptoms of the monkey grinder business. Yeah yeah yeah, I know all about the you are so gifted and God has called you to such heights and all that jazz, but somewhere someplace there has to be some reason you stick with it, doesn’t there?
Ok, so I do have that song Rainy Days and Monday’s always get me down running through my head and this one is both. But its hard to inspire your church family to reach for all the best that God has, when you are having another rainy Monday in the Hairy Armpit.
Confusion about the next step, tendencies to stay with what you know, unwillingness to risk, uncertainty about why you are doing this in the first place are the symptoms of the monkey grinder business. Yeah yeah yeah, I know all about the you are so gifted and God has called you to such heights and all that jazz, but somewhere someplace there has to be some reason you stick with it, doesn’t there?
Ok, so I do have that song Rainy Days and Monday’s always get me down running through my head and this one is both. But its hard to inspire your church family to reach for all the best that God has, when you are having another rainy Monday in the Hairy Armpit.