Dr D’s Diagnosis

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spunky monkey

There are few things in life more exhausting and exciting than Jr Highers. Personally I can’t stand them. It is one of my least favorite ages in the childhood spectrum. But occasionally a real gem comes along and you think, “Hey, this rocks!” That would be Spunky Monkey.

She is amazing. She has more energy than ten locomotives, and is more excitable than cat in a room full of dogs! Everything is said and done to the extreme. No middle ground anywhere. It is exhausting just to see her in motion, and let me tell you, she is in constant motion!

What I like about her best is that she is my favorite youngest daughter and she totally blows me away all the time. She is the most social person in the entire universe. Her people capacity is off the charts. She is a top athlete and will take on any boy, any day, and often win. She is fun and frisky, fantastic and ferocious, and feline and frenetic all at once. I wouldn’t trade her for anyone or anything in the world. She’s my Spunky Monkey!