Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Day Four

Day Four

Synergy. I am no longer sure that this is something you can plan for nor design. The last two days would be a perfect example. Yesterday was a day from hell. Everything that could go wrong did. It started out that way right after my workout. I had time to start a quick load of laundry before my appointment. So I did.

As soon as the load finished and I popped the lid up, I knew I was in trouble. The tangled mess of cables told me that I had washed my ipod along with my workout clothes! A soaking wet ipod is never a good thing. After placing my ipod in a small bowl of isopropyl alcohol, and then in a cup of uncooked rice to start the drying process, I headed to the internet company's office to complain about being without connectivity for the last two days.

The very nice Thai lady informed me that a technician would be calling me soon. He did and determined that the modem had failed. So I packed up the modem, and headed back across town to the internet office to exchange the modem. She politely informed me that I would have to go to the TP-Link office. So I did. There a miraculous repair took place. I happily took my now repaired modem home. It worked for a bit more than 60 seconds before it reverted to the same problem as before.
This time I jumped on my bicycle and headed right back over to the TP-Link office and asked him to exchange the modem. He said he would. He lied. Long story short, there was no exchange, although they went through an elaborate charade to make it seem that it had happened. It took quite some time to pull off. Then off and on my unsuspecting way home, I had a bicycle moment, where my legs and gears were not synchronize at all. Lots of pain and blood resulted. Insult to injury was when I got home and the modem worked about 60 seconds.

All that pain for nothing. And I have spared you the details. In spite of all that energy that I was expending to get stuff moving, no synergy was happening at all.

Fast forward one morning more, and the AC guy, AND the internet guy, both show up at the same time, ONE HOUR EARLY, which is the Asian equivalent of a lunar landing, and viola, both my internet and my AC are getting done - synergy happening in droves today.

My take away is that I don't know when to stop spending my energy recklessly and uselessly, and I don't know when to sit back and let it happen. I need to pay attention to the cultural flows and ebbs, as well as take a serious chill pill. Then I may shed less blood and experience less pain, than trying to generate something out of nothing.