Day Two
This is day two. What are you going to create today? What are you starting, beginning, developing, working on, progressing, furthering, or finishing? Have you found the workflow you need to be creative and wonderful? Have you discovered your best place or environment to set it loose and do? I think the rooftop along with a nice Nicaraguan should do nicely.
Choices is the word of the day. You have to make some choices about how you will spend these hours, what you will produce and how you will go about doing so. And the choices you make, will also dictate that some choices were decided against, at least for today. A choice “for” something is a choice “not for” something other. In other words this morning for breakfast I choose between Dan and Carol's dive versus the corner dive - I can't eat breakfast today at both places, although I could eat at both places over the course of the day. Although by definition one meal would not be breakfast. Again a choice for one is a choice against another.
It gets more complex as we go, because the first choice puts pressure on other choices down the line today. The location of the two breakfast choices this morning would have made very different “coffee” and “workplacetoday” locations possible this afternoon. Choosing one determined if I could also do laundry or not while working. Choosing one over the other determined who I met, saw and worked with throughout the day as well. Not every initial choice has so much impact every day, but it always has impact. Calculating that impact into the first choice of the day is a very important factoring process.
All of these lead to a moment, an hour, a block of time where you produce … something. Often the quality of production, the magic, the value, the importance is highly affected by those previous choices. Choose well.