Even guys like me
Mondays. Since I don't work in a typical office nor on a typical schedule nor on typical hourly structures, Monday is usually just an abstract to me. Most weeks find me working on all seven days, so Monday is a non-issue. Nor is there a hump day nor a weekend. All in all I love it.
But occasionally a day happens that is totally Mondayish and it actually happens to be on a Monday even! Any day that finds me facing the temptation to use swear words in three languages before 8:00 am is not starting well. It is the rainy season in Asia, and that means … well it rains. Often. Frequently. Mostly several times a day. Occasionally all day. Amazingly it can be sunny and then 15 minutes later you can be in the middle of a 5 minute downpour (which just as well be a one hour downpour in terms of how soaking wet you get).
So when you go outside in the rainy season, you take especially made plastic bags with you to protect your phone from water damage. While you may have never heard of such a thing in the West, here in the subtropics you certainly have - they are a basic requirement of life. At the very least electronic life. Of course this morning on my way out to exercise, I forgot. No worries though, the sky was clear … until I reached the mountain.
Then the sprinkle started, and then the fog and heavy clouds rolled in, and then the rain started in earnest … the one and only morning I forgot my protection bag!! So I had to cut my workout short, and race back to shelter. Except of course, you can't race anywhere on a wet road and a bicycle. So in truth, I slowly desperately fought my way back to shelter, as fast as I dared. Thankfully, all electronics survived!
Finally get back to my room, get my soggy clothes off and hung up, including my soaked shoes, get a hot shower, gather some important letters that need to go out before I have to go to my morning meeting and start my work plans for the day in another city. So I am at the post office 5 minutes before it was scheduled to open at 10:00 am. My meeting was scheduled to start at 10:30 - 10:45. At 10:30, after waiting for 35 minutes, no postal worker has yet shown up to open the post office and so I raced off to my meeting.
I arrived on-time for my meeting, but the others were late! It is not even 11:00 am and as of yet nothing has gone well or as planned. It did not get any better throughout the day, including the elephant camp, the rain (again), the shopping with my guest, our dinner, etc, etc, etc, etc. Yes, sometimes Mondays even happen to guys like me. At least the writing is better than therapy.