Dr D’s Diagnosis

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That is the word here for Monday in the adjectival form. When someone asks you how you are doing, you can answer Mondayish. Sometimes, Macedonian can be more descriptive than English. Today is one of those days.

A late start, and slow start, and work piling up, delays and decisions, important events happening in other countries and you have responsibilities there too, quick travel plans made to get there, while putting out a fire in another country in the other direction, part not yet here for the car repair, banking issues, money in the wrong account in the wrong country, people in need but limited resources available to apply, world cup in full swing but the game you really want to watch doesn't come on until midnight!, fishy requests for help, children of a church member in the hospital, worship practice has to be in our small apartment, a dinner long planned gets changed, the neighbors are playing music really really loud, the internet won't work properly when you are trying to talk to someone on the other side of the planet, the scales are not smiling today, and then someone else dumps a big problem in your lap, and one of your clients is facing a mutiny in church leadership, and the nationals you work with are shooting one of their own, but a really nice lunch with my wife. Yes its Mondayish.