Dr D’s Diagnosis

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A great quitter?

A great quitter?

I need to hone my quitting skills. But I need to do it in such a way that it brings more, not less. Let me explain.

In the book "Barking up the wrong tree" author Eric Barker states, "That’s one of the reasons we all feel so rushed, so tired, and like we’re not getting enough done or making enough progress. We all have only twenty-four hours in a day. Every day. If we use an hour for this, we’re not using it for that. But we act like there are no limits. When we choose an extra hour at work, we are, in effect, choosing one less hour with our kids. We can’t do it all and do it well. And there will not be more time later. Time does not equal money, because we can get more money."

So I need to quit sooner, to the things that give or produce less in order to give more to those actions which produce the best stuff. I need to hone my quitting skills. Part of this is realizing that I am a lazy butt canoe at the core, and that most of the things I need to quit quicker are the lazy ass things I fill my life with. 

Barker continues, "We always think we need more: more help, more motivation, more energy. But in our current world the answer is often the exact opposite: we need less. Fewer distractions, fewer goals, fewer responsibilities. Is that so we can watch more TV? No. We need less of those things so we can go all in on our priorities. The question is what are you going to do less of? What are you going to quit or say no to in order to make time for what matters most?"

Enough said.