Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Christmas past, present and future

Christmas was always great around our place. My folks were borderline poor, but you would have never known, because they did not talk about it, and were great planners. I have such great memories of Christmas as a kid.

Once I was a teenager and on through college, Christmas was still great, but I also worked a ton of hours, pulling double shifts and occasionally triple shifts, because I could and because the pay was so much better - no one else would work the Christmas shifts. But I still remember getting with the parentals and the larger family, to eat, drink and be merry together.

Then as a married adult, leading a church, Christmas was usually about work, the four Sundays of Advent, the new one time visitors, this were my least favorite memories of Christmas. When the kids came along, Christmas became the richest ever, watching their joy and excitement each year. And the anticipation was soooooo sweet. My kids will tell you, I Loooovvveeee Christmas.

The poorest Christmas ever - when Heidi, our oldest, was not even one year old, I was in Seminary and the only gift I could buy was a cheap doll for Heidi, nothing for Brenda, nothing for me. Heidi being five months old did not appreciate what that doll cost me. And the most I can ever remember us spending at Christmas was about 10 grand, when we flew home from Macedonia, all five of us, and spent three weeks traveling and visiting everyone. But they were all great, the poor ones and the rich ones.

And this one today, just my dad and me together, brother is gone and mom is gone, and Brenda is waiting for me in Macedonia (will leave tomorrow to get to her), but it is precious in its own way, because who knows how many more I get before its just me? Gratitude and wonder and excitement that Emmanuel is with us, and that He gave us the magnificent opportunities to give and give to others throughout our lives.