Dr D’s Diagnosis

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The lesson

The lesson

I just spent an entire week teaching/facilitating a group of top professionals in some professional development for their field. Some would consider me an expert. I probably am. I have a number of decades in my experience of doing this very successfully. It was well received. I received compliments and encouragement from 90% of the audience over the week.

But I did not enjoy it very much. This is not where I want to shine nor what I want to be known for. Individual one on one or very small group interaction is far superior. It is also far more demanding and far more rewarding. There are many people who would kill for my public and large audience opportunities, but I am not among them. My friend Bernie, calls it "leading from the back of the room." I like that mental picture and what it says about me. Not only that, but it is a much richer experience and much more gratifying at a personal level.

This too fits my personality much better. As I get older, my introvert is seems to grow stronger. I desire public acclaim and the public spotlight less and less. I desire a crucial personal interaction far more. This about being quiet and enjoyed for the value provided, much more than for the charisma and energy expressed in a far too public venue.

The lesson is that I need to say "no" more to the big gigs, and "yes" far more to the small personal gigs. While it may not make sense to the "more and bigger" crowd, I am walking to the drumbeat of a different group. What about you? Do you have the calm confidence to make this call?