So much power
Everything in 2019 is pretty much overclocked. The propellers (yes this is a prop plane) and engines on this aircraft are more engine than we need to get airborn and make our way to Bangkok and Siem Reap. The processors in this phone are far more powerful than I will ever need to get the job done. In fact the processors in my iPad are such overkill, that there isn't even any software made that can stress them out! My motorcycle will go 115 miles per hour (yes I know this for a fact) but the speed limit is 55 most of the time and with all of these items, I only use a fraction of the power that is available to me.
Likewise, my body is capable of far more than I usually demand. I have run marathons and ultra marathons and climb the Rocky Mountains and crossed the USA on my bicycle and still I can do even more. Interestingly enough the area of life that is **most** overclocked in terms of capacity, that I think gets the least mileage out of that potential - is our brains.
Thinking is hard work, really hard work and there is not nearly enough of it going on around us. It doesn't appear like it is actually work (until you try to do it for a living!), because there is no sweat involved, although there certainly is a great deal of effort involved. We all need to use a great deal more of what is available between our ears. There is so much power untapped here.
Likewise, my body is capable of far more than I usually demand. I have run marathons and ultra marathons and climb the Rocky Mountains and crossed the USA on my bicycle and still I can do even more. Interestingly enough the area of life that is **most** overclocked in terms of capacity, that I think gets the least mileage out of that potential - is our brains.
Thinking is hard work, really hard work and there is not nearly enough of it going on around us. It doesn't appear like it is actually work (until you try to do it for a living!), because there is no sweat involved, although there certainly is a great deal of effort involved. We all need to use a great deal more of what is available between our ears. There is so much power untapped here.