Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Plague Bringer

Chapter 61

Plague Bringer is the name of the hamburger I had last night in Indianapolis. And yes, perhaps you know that this is also the name of a heavy metal band. Because Jake and I were in the Metal band burger joint known as Kuma’s Corner here in Indy. It was outstanding! Best burger I have eaten in a long while. And even though I don’t eat a lot of burgers anymore, this one was really good. But it was in a bar. A drinking, alcohol focused bar. I am not drinking these days. Let the battle (of the bands?) begin.

So once again, I made a mental decision, along with a mental conversation as soon as I discovered where Jake was taking me, to not drink. I don’t know if this helps or not, but it seems super logical to me to decide ahead of time that you are going to hold the line and continue the long process you have been having success with all along. And I ordered the one and only non-alcoholic beer on their extensive menu. Jake ordered two luscious smelling beers - and yes I choose to smell everyone’s beer order and enjoy those near tastes, because in my life and where I live and travel around the world, I will never get out of bars and so I have to find a way to navigate those places, and at the moment, smelling substitutes drinking.

Long story short, I enjoyed the evening, the burger, and successful did-not-drink again for the 103rd consecutive day. It might end today, which is true everyday, but it has been a great run.