Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Full effect sleep

# Chapter 66

Another great eight solid hours of sleep. Can’t say that I have ever enjoyed sleeping so much, and the way I feel when I wake up is pretty spectacular. Even after my second getting up to pee, I only had to count down to 240 (backwards from 300 by 3s) in order to fall back to sleep. This is super groovy, because getting up to pee is usually the harbinger of my brain kicking up into gears that won’t let me return to never never land. So I am always looking for ways, means, and processes to overcome this problem and keep my brain in neutral, so I can go right back to sleep.

I know there is a ton of information on the internet about sleep, how much, what quality, how to fall to sleep, stay asleep, etc etc, and mostly proclaiming how American’s aren’t getting enough sleep. I don’t want to review any of that here, just instead proclaim that if and when you get the right amount and quality of sleep, it is revolutionary. It is a game-changer. Try it. You will love it. But alcohol will prevent you from ever achieving this, both in my experience and in all that I read - they are in agreement.

In fact the “sober curious” movement argues that you have to go at the very minimum three full weeks without drinking any alcohol, before the effects are completely out of your body. (Read Ruby Warrington’s “Sober Curious” if you want more details). Just taking a two day break from drinking is not gonna give you the full effect. Having said that, I could usually experience a big boost in quality of sleep even with a one day break. In my life, if I did not have a drink on a given day, I slept better period. That has been truth for decades for me.