Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Do Less Better

# Chapter 81

Do less better.

This is the antithesis of the American way. It is a very rare day when I meet someone that doesn’t simply try to add more and more and more to an already overclocked schedule. They pile and cram every possibility into each moment and call it “living” their best life. I politely disagree.

Instead of terminal FOMO, why don’t we do less better? Why do we emphasize quantity over quality and call that “living”? I don’t ever feel like I am missing out on anything. FOMO rarely ever attacks me or my schedule. In fact I keep my client list small and high impact on purpose. I want to work with the best. I want to work less.

See? Do less better.

If we don’t take this approach when will we think? Be grateful? Spend TIME with our loved ones? Be creative? Hone our skills? Be thankful? Enjoy the sunrise? Or the sunsets? Share our lives with others? Party with friends and celebrate their momentous occasions? Vacation? Take a long ride on your motorcycle in the mountains? Read an excellent book? When will we consider the most important things in life? The meaning of life? Our part to play in life? Our legacy? Contemplate? Solve great problems? Set new courses? Live this moment?

I am pretty certain that Do Less Better will give us these gifts from the previous paragraph, along the way. It will demand an intentionality from each of us though, that we are not well practiced at doing. We have been coached and culturally indoctrinated that more is better, and the most is best. Wrong. Do less better is a far better path, and more demanding too. It will require we bring our best selves to the task, but the rewards are awesome.