Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Chose yourself

# Chapter 103

“Leadership is an observable and learnable set of skills and abilities that is accessible to everyone.” Sssl p. 2

The most hated time on the softball field as a kid, for many people, is when the teams are chosen. The “captain” or designated leader would chose the players in rank of their perceived abilities. But that is not a leader. That is a captain. The person in charge of making a certain set of decisions. What we would call a manager in the modern world. Perhaps an actual leader, but not necessarily so. Don’t think of leadership in the context of playground rules and experiences.

I work with highly competent people and I want to see them flourish and grow and develop. They often do. Sometimes they don’t. Because Leadership is mostly an attitude and a skill set and a polishable set of abilities, a person can make a decision to be better, expand, improve and develop their leadership. Or they can decide to watch Family Feud or YouTube, and not develop anything. Most people fall into the middle somewhere.

Having a coach or a mentor or both is very helpful, but honestly, those who are going to move the fastest and most are those who are reading and watching and studying and learning with or without a helper. There are far more people who need leadership skills than there are coaches and mentors. But remember this is observable, learnable, polishable and completely within your reach.

The only person this depends upon in the end, is you.

Chose yourself. Don’t wait to be measure and chosen by someone else.