Love the life you have while . . .
# Chapter 114 “But you need to figure out how to love the life that you have, while you work on the life that you want.” Keeland and Ward This is difficult. But it is necessary. Most people in fact can’t know that they want a different life, unless they tangle with the life that they have. Its the warts and difficulties of the life that you have, which can show you that a different life is possible. These struggles and challenges and problems that you are currently facing, are the motivations of a different future. The more keenly you feel these current pressures, the more motivation you may find that you have for a different future. It has to move beyond want, to the point of action. Yet that is actually not the primary point here. The main deal is that you love the life you have while working toward the life that you think you want. This is really important, because that potential future is uncertain while your immediate present is very very definite. And that is why figuring out how to love the life that you have is so critical. All any of us have for sure, is this very moment, so you want to treasure it for whatever it is worth. This simply is your life at the moment. That potential future you are working toward (and you SHOULD be working toward it!) arrives when it arrives if it arrives. But you and I need to give at least equal energy, thought and bandwidth toward loving the life that we current have, that we give toward building that future life that we want. More about this tomorrow.