Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Mental weightlifting

Chapter 326

"Mental will is a muscle that needs exercise, just like muscles of the body." ~ Lynn Jennings

There is a fair amount of talk about the limits of will power, how you don’t want to stretch it too close to its limits. But I think Jennings is more right than wrong. Everything gets more limber, agile and strong as it is used regularly. Can’t think of a single exception. I lost all my agility and suppleness on Sunday when I hit the asphalt and wrecked my back and shoulder. But I have been forcing myself to move constantly since then to regain it as soon as possible, plus when I stop moving, I start to freeze up badly. This is making it difficult to work work since that happens sitting down in front of screen, but I research for a client, and then I walk a few laps around the house, I research for another client, I walk a few laps around the house. The whole point here, is that perhaps mental will is like a body, that if you don’t use it, it freezes up and doesn’t function well at all.

I believe we need to have weightlifting exercises for our mental will. Richard Neihbur is mental weightlifting, Nora Roberts is not. Solving real problems in the real world is mental weightlifting, solitaire is not. Listening is mental weightlifting, talking generally is not. Thinking is mental weightlifting, facebook is not. Learning something new is mental weightlifting, coasting on what you already know is not. I am sure you can add more examples here.

Be strong, agile and supple. Lift mental weights! Exercise!