Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Chapter 362

“Only when you can imagine a better version of someone can you play a role in helping to unleash them.” Micheal McKinney

Unleashing people is what I do. All the raw material is there, I just have to have enough imagination to see what it can develop into, and draw it out. Someone did this for me in my late 20’s and it forever changed the course of my life. I never thought I would end up doing this for others, because when Martin did this for me 30 years ago, I had different aspirations back then. I completed all those aspirations and went searching for new ones. Here I am.

Unleashing people is immensely satisfying work. Seeing what they can become, grooming that potential, watching it wake up over time and then spring into full bloom! Boom! What a buzz! So far I haven’t grown tired of watching it happen over and over again, and the participation in this process is like a delicate ballet unfolding. People can fall and the dance can unravel but you can also recover and continue moving forward if you have the will to correct course. This is can be really difficult, depending on your tolerance for ambiguity and challenge.

But if you are isolated and live far far away, you can actually imagine a better version of yourself and start moving that way all by yourself. You don’t HAVE to have a leadership developer alongside of you, but if you can, then all the better. But honestly, even if i come alongside of you and help you along the way, YOU still have to do all the work to metamorphoses into what you were destined to be.