Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Pivot faster

Chapter 16

Changes in the world are happening so rapidly, everyone is finding it very difficult to pivot quickly enough, and often enough, to stay ahead of the curve. We’re experiencing 1 million changes a day in our own lives it seems. For the first time in 11 years we are suddenly planning to take a furlough! If it wasn’t for coronavirus and COVID-19‘s affect on the entire world, basically shutting everything down, we would’ve never considered a furlough.

But because we considering taking a furlough, well then we need someplace to live in America. So now we have two households to support! And do we live close to the children, or close to the aging parent? These are difficult things. And Brenda doesn’t actually have a ticket back to the United States yet on top of everything. Even though we technically bought a house yesterday. Think about it. Overwhelming.

The pace of change on a regular basis is astonishing, but in the COVID-19 era it is astounding. Nor do I have wisdom about whether or not I should go back and help her transition this way or not? I don’t look forward to the idea of a flip-flop quick turnaround trip, but it may be the best thing even though it’s extremely uncomfortable for me personally. They are just too many factors, too many players and stakeholders in this whole equation.

Somehow, someway, some fashion, we have to learn to pivot more quickly, to be more fluid, to be more responsive, and to enjoy the ambiguity along the way.