The last chapter
Chapter 365
The last chapter
Today would have been my brother’s 56th birthday. I started this effort exactly one year ago today on what would have been his 55th birthday. These are sad happy memories, my brother and me. I wish he was still here, for his girls, for his granddaughters and for himself. It was a life too hard, and far too short.
But we all have a last chapter, none of us escape a last chapter. Time moves in only one direction. Your last chapter will eventually arrive, and what will it be? Of course there are things none of us can control and so we can’t say with certainty what our final chapter will be like, but we have lots of control over other things, our kindness, our generosity, our willingness to help, step up and offer our best. We have control over our conversations and our thoughts with and about other people. We have control over our inspiration, our empowerment and our motivations. Because the last chapter is never about the last chapter.
The last chapter of our lives, will be more about the whole of the choices we have made over the course of our lifetimes, than just the ones we made at the end. While you can’t go back and change the one’s you have already made, you can make better ones from here on out. And then better one’s each day after today. You can turn the tide, you can write that last chapter starting today. You also may die too young like my brother, and ok you can’t control that, but you can control what that last chapter is gonna look like if you start right now.