Chapter 154
In truth, enough is a beautiful thing. - Ryan Holiday
It is such a beautiful thing, and so rare. It often feels to me that everything in the West is a pursuit of more. No, I take that back, it feels that way in Europe and Asia too. I seem to meet very few people who understand enough. Who feel it, who get it, who experience it.
It is only now in my late 50’s that I am even getting to the point where that word has much power in my life. Oh my goodness. There are so many things I want to teach my younger self, and redirect my younger self to much better pursuits . . . than more. What I have squandered and wasted in the pursuit of more. Here let be clear, we are talking about the more of power, position, privilege, possessions.
There is another more, that we should be exploiting ruthlessly. That is the more of my character, more of my capacity, more of my influence, more of my change-the-world factor. That more should be cultivated and grown and fertilizer and harvested to the maximum.
We do ourselves and our Creator a great disservice when we settle for less on this front of trust and development. But for goodness sake, please destroy whatever power the pursuit of more stuff or status has over you. That is far too small a reward to spend the currency of your life upon.
Don’t pursue more.
Be more.
Live the biggest life possible as you serve the King and honor your potential.