Dr D’s Diagnosis

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What we want more of in life

Chapter 158

What do we want more of in life? That’s the question. It’s not accomplishments. It’s not popularity. It’s moments when we feel like we are enough. More presence. More clarity. More insight. More truth. More stillness. - Holiday

Like many other questions in this genre, this is a very difficult question, and more nuanced than the one I usually ask. Its not just what do you want, it’s what do you want more of in life. Think of it as a slide scale, instead of the destination, think about the journey and process and the trip you are taking. This is enjoying the drive, not just the resort you are planning to stay at for the weekend.

We want more of being enough. Of being in this moment completely. That is so challenging because there is so very much clamoring for your attention. And being in the moment is about attention to this moment, not another moment. This is presence.

And more clarity - the most cherished and powerful underrated superpower. Insight! These two combined make for an avalanche of possibilities and presence and powerful personhood, this is what we want more of in life. We want to matter more than ever. You already matter more than you know, but the existence of these elements will convince you, and give you confidence in all that you already are, not some vague person you will be in the future.

We want the drive to be as important as the destination, so we want this all now, not then. So we want to keep moving forward, at least 1% better all the time in the right direction, and we know that we will get there and be better for it.