The changing world of change
Chapter 160
Change makes us afraid of what the new normal may be, and may demand of us. Who we are in the world is altered by each one of these changes, and this generates a great deal of grinding in our heads and in our hearts, because we don’t know how things work any longer. Because the status quo has changed, and consequently so does our relationship with all our status quo (s), which are the sum of our social structures and roles and our vocational constructs, which reflect the manner in which we interface with the world overall.
Change happens all the time though, albeit in smaller seemingly more manageable slices on a day to day basis. But when major changes are forced upon us in life, it feels very threatening. Major changes in health will rock your world. Major changes in your job will stress you out. Major changes in your relationships can cripple you.
Resetting our inner sense of what is right in the world, to this new normal, is where all the mental and emotional negotiations take place. It is this internal struggle that defines the successful and those who struggle to regain their footing and continue to move forward.
Past performance does not insure present or future success at this endeavor. The change factor is always different and you and I are always different and the results can be something very other than what you have experienced before when dealing with major shifts in your world.
And your resilience ebbs and flows throughout your life, and you may have enough to see you through when major change drops down on you like a bomb, nor maybe not.
Keep your clarity about who you are and the tremors from the earthquake of change will be minimized.