Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Emptying the ranks of the mediocre

Chapter 168

“In the information game, the race doesn’t go to the swift, it goes to the selective.” Tim Ferris

And perhaps I would argue that pretty much everything is an information game? What we feed ourselves emotionally, mentally, spiritually, intellectually and physically, comes home to roost, shows itself clearly as your strength or focus or capacity or expertise will eventually be evident as people observe your life. As you live your life.

The information game is one of endless possibility. And that is a negative, unless you are highly selective. In other words, its a black hole in space. Its a psychic prison that will never let you go. You can waste your entire life in this bottomless pit and never gain any traction. Many do exactly this, and they are forever relegated to the ranks of the mediocre.

This is precisely why you need to vigorously monitor and control what you watch (which should be almost nothing) and what you read (which is where the bulk of your time should be focused) and what you pay attention to. This is why I know little of what happens on the “national news” or twitter or facebook or instagram unless it comes through my RSS news feed aggregator. Take control of the information game. This nothing that I don’t know, does not inhibit me in any fashion whatsoever (except in perhaps general conversations at the water cooler and breakfast table), and in fact frees my mind, heart, soul to develop in powerful ways, rather than being a mental invalid that lives by the IV feed decided by others.