Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Intellectual dishonesty

Chapter 206

convenient and predictable and safe

This is what most people want life to be. Its what want themselves to be. And well, maybe they dream about living a different life here and there in some private moment, but the choices they make every day prove that they want convenient and predictable and safe, more than they want something exciting, dangerous or difficult. This is most unfortunate. My wife is sitting here arguing with me that most people wanna change the world, that they want their lives to matter. Nope. Nada. Zero on that one. Don’t see it. She is just projecting her own desires on the rest of everybody.

Of course everyone says they want to change the world, correct the injustices that are rife throughout the world, or that they want to make a difference in peoples lives, or that they want to help others - basically they all say they want to be like me and Brenda. But it ain’t so and all the talking in the world won’t make it so.

Instead they live in their 3000 + sq. foot homes, and their three car garages, with their RV’s and boats parked outside because the garage is too full to pull the RVs and boats in, and sit at their dining room table with me drinking tea or coffee, telling me how much they are struggling financially and that is why they can’t assist financially in changing the world. This has happened so many times that it is completely and typically the norm. 

I actually have nothing against convenient predictable and safe, I like them too. What I am against is intellectual dishonesty. You can’t make a big impact in the world, and have convenient predictable and safe - they don’t go together - oil and water. You choose everyday which is most important to you.