You matter
Chapter 195
"What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make." ~ Jane Goodall
First of all you have to understand that you matter. That what you do makes a difference, changes things in the world. That your life counts, and if you grasp how much it does, it will make it count so very much more, because you will be intentional. If you don’t get this, then all else is lost. None of this conversation will matter, if you don’t believe that you matter. Get it?
Goodall is very correct in her statement that what you do makes a difference. And granted that does not preclude a negative difference. I would not have a hangman’s scar around my neck if Sidney Eirchberger did not throw a rope at me just as I was starting down a steep slide in 4th grade and the rope burned me good as I sped down the slide. His actions made a difference. But not a good one.
Not only do our actions make a difference good or bad, but I would also postulate that all our actions make a difference, not just some of them. Now they certainly don’t all make an equal difference in the world, but there are always effects from our actions, from what we do, even if that is choosing not to do anything at all in a situation. That not choosing is a choice, and it has consequences.
Now that we got that settled, then the meaty part is, what difference do you want to make?? Once you baldly decide what you want to change, then you can massively structure all your actions into alignment and make a massive impact on the world