A life, not a competition
Chapter 221
“If you are reading this article, today is the first day of the rest of your life, and you have every reason to be grateful for it. Thank God for the gift of your life. You are alive for a reason.” - Henry Mukuti
Today is the first day of the rest of your life. It matters. YOU matter. How long the rest of the life will or won’t be is not the question you should be asking. What are you going to do with this one precious wild life you have been given? That is a much better question and far superior course of action to pursue, and you can pursue quite literally anything if you live in the West and are not a victim of trafficking.
It is always so shocking to me that all these amazing endless possibilities end up being no more than an excuse to self-destruct, as we ink ourselves and pierce ourselves and tell the stories of our pain and scars to prove how . . . tough we are? Resilient we are? Badass we are? Or really how important we are? It is then that I come to understand that you don’t understand how important you already were, and that there is no need to nurture experiences or stories about the distance we had to cover to get from nowhere to here. Our value to the world isn’t in how much difficulty that we have traversed, but rather in how much suffering we can alleviate in others!
Instead competing for the worst horror story and the most difficult childhood which you overcame, why can’t we just be publicly and privately be thankful and grateful that today is the first day of the rest of our lives and that our lives matter, that we are here for a reason, and that reason is not us.
Its the people that help others instead of focusing on themselves who live the most fulfilled lives.