Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Chapter 228

"Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can." ~ Richard Bach

Surprise winners are rare. We even have a name for them they are so rare - cinderella teams. Those who typically win, are not surprised that they did, they planned for it, they worked for it, they strove for it, they never gave up, they always believed they could win, they designed their actions and their days and their steps so that they could win.

No matter how long it takes, no matter the effort required, no matter how many setbacks they experience, and often no matter the cost, winners expect to win, they don’t expect to lose. Now of course there are only so many winner positions that can be had, but winners and winning don’t just happen on the gold medal platform. Winners win all along the way. They realize that the process itself is usually a huge win. They count the difficulties as blessings.

Losers just don’t win even if they somehow end up on the gold metal platform. They may experience the same euphoria as anyone else who reaches the peak of a season, a game, a competition. But they never really expected to be there. Honestly they didn’t. That doesn’t mean they didn’t work hard . . . just not as hard. That doesn’t mean they try their absolute hardest to success . . . but it generally still falls short of winning.

This is not a chapter against losers, its a pathway to moving from the loser category to the winner category. Winners expect to win. And they do.