Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Visible for everyone to see

Chapter 237

The things we say and the projects we do are our clips. Judge us.  - Seth

We generally only want to be judged for our intentions. Even though clearly  no one can even know those most of the time unless we explicitly state them out loud to everyone, and even then we have to take your word for it, because intentions are not verifiable. Intentions are not visible. Intentions can’t be compared against something else.

That is why what we say and what we produce are much easier metrics to assess. But they are also visible and comparable and open to interpretation. That’s why we like to be judged by our intentions far more intensely than what we say and what we produce - we are the only ones who can frame our intentions. No one can misconstrue nor interpret our intentions. No one can even argue about them, they are what we say they are - and that is why no one judges them - its impossible.

But the words that come out of your mouth, oh baby, that is an open stream, and clear invitation to assess, judge, convict, affirm and sentence you. Is this unfair? Sometimes. I recall a conversation a group of us were having in a barber shop 35 years ago. Making fun, joking around, saying less than stellar things to impress our compatriots. My comments showed up in the Orlando Sentinel the next morning! Just my comments. Out of context of the whole conversation! I have never spoken to or in front of a reporter willingly ever since. 

And your clips - well they too are visible for everyone to see. Its what you produce or not. It is what it is, regardless of your perfect intentions.

Understand that your words and your clips are going to be judged.

Embrace it.