May smells
Chapter 278
Spring, storms and smells
The primary negative about living in farm country is that, well it smells like a farm most of the time. In case you don’t know precisely what that means, it means manure, poop, crap, shit. And yep, most of the time around these parts, it smells like one big outdoor bathroom. If you are in the farming business, that probably smells like money to you, but for the rest of us, it just smells bad.
Except for the Spring time. The smells of Spring overpower the smells of farm and for that reason alone May is an especially beautiful and wonderful time on the farm. Petunias, lilacs, roses, honeysuckle, and one hundred other blooms, make for some of the best heady perfume in the whole world. Riding my bike for 30-40 miles each morning is just a buffet of wonderful smells. I can’t get enough of this perfume of nature!
And Spring is also storm season, and we have already had some doozies! Last night I sat on the front porch and watched the light show, the wind, the rain. It rained so hard and the wind blew so strong, it got me wet even eight feet from the porch edge. And the night before, we had another storm, with ferocious lightening and I had left my blinds open so that I could enjoy it. And I did. What a light show at 02:00 am! And two weeks ago, we had tornados come through, and that was spectacular and terrifying. The most intense lightening I have ever seen in my whole life. But I could have passed on the twisters - too much damage was done.
Spring. A sensory delight. I love it!