Dr D’s Diagnosis

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The shorter future

Chapter 280

"The longer you wait for the future the shorter it will be." ~ Loesje

What are you waiting for? The World Wide Shutdown has thrown many into the lake of stay-at-home-isolation, and it seems that many are finding that experience difficult. I have a hard time understanding that since I have worked out of my home for the last 26 years. But as I read threads in the blogosphere, it seems apparent that many have extra time on their hands and no way to burn it off in traditional ways, since sports has also gone the way of the dodo.

Let me say up front and transparent here, that I am a hockey whore, I could easily watch six hours of hockey each and every day 365 days a year. I keep waiting to get weary of watching hockey, but it hasn’t happen yet and I have been waiting 30 years. The reason I mention this, is because watching sports is just a way to waste time. Enjoyably I will grant you, but a waste nevertheless. And currently, unless you are an esport fan, you are out of luck. This compounds the “problem” of extra time on your hands.

A smart person would reread the quote above at this point. You have time to reinvent yourself, learn a new skill, learn a new language, learn a new job, get a different job, open a business, landscape your yard, restore an antique automobile, rebuild an engine, paint your bathroom, whatever time consuming task or project or desire you have been putting off because of not enough time.

Your future is getting shorter.

Get started today.