Dr D’s Diagnosis

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You gotta be you

Chapter 28

This is an upside down day. I don’t allow many of these in my life, because they are a train wreck to productivity, but sometimes you have to flex, and so here I am writing this at 5:30 in the afternoon instead of 5:30 in the morning. It may be more cogent or then again it may not. The last 48 hours has been a mad scrabbling halfway across the country and back, four flights, lots of people and lots of conversations. It felt like my old life again. I liked some of it, but mostly don’t miss it at all to tell you truth. I like the enforced isolation of the Covid-19 world. I know I know that makes me crazy to most of you, but heck I am just here telling the truth.

What that means for the future of my work is still unclear, and I do need to spend some time thinking this through. The potential implications are huge. But not in the ways that most people experience it. For me, distance work, remote work has been the norm for decades. Covid-19 has just made it more the norm. And now after traveling for the first time in six months, I am thinking that I need to do it more remotely, more distance work, more virtual, less in person.

But we all need in person connections as well to be healthy normal social people. I need less of this than most others as a solid introvert, yet I still like to spend time with certain types and groups of people. Like the co-workers that I spent the night with last night, and had breakfast with this morning, conversations flow and ebb so naturally and it is invigorating. It costs me practically nothing emotionally and gives much much in return. These kinds of interactions I would gladly have more of, but most people interactions are not that way for me. You gotta be who you are!