Dr D’s Diagnosis

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All things magical and special

Chapter 33

The two things I find in life that are most difficult to maintain are focus and consistency. This is why I let my life be run by habits mostly. With the non-stop nonversation around here, focus is a near impossibility. Focus requires a proper environment. I know I know, there are people and writers out there who insist that focus can be done regardless of the noise, ambience and commotion around you, but I haven’t gotten there yet, and have my doubts that this mythical focus even exists. I need a high level of quiet and no other people, unless they can completely keep their mouths shut and I don’t have any of those people in my life. Some people would rather talk than breath.

Focus is necessary to all things magical and special. I miss it terribly (big sigh). At least consistency is easier to produce, by surrounding yourself with habits and patterns that you follow each day, a great deal of stuff can still get done. It is my only and last strategy to get the bulk of required actions completed each day. None of those completed actions are inspiring or magical though, because there is so little focus. Even as I write this each morning, the nonversation rolls on in the background. The practice of constant partial attention is killing me. Competition for my attention, and your attention, is intense in the world. Where you give it will determine the line of your life, where you go, what you do, what you are known for, and what you accomplish. Focus is a topic we have barely started here.