Dr D’s Diagnosis

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The trifecta

Chapter 36

Decide. Commit. Execute.

These are the two or three elements to getting things done, to finishing what you started, to moving those goals over into the completed category. The reason I said two or three, is that some people would consider Decide and Commit as the same action, while others see them as unique steps. I personally think they all have overlapping qualities yet are separate pieces of the complete whole.

For me, Decide is when enough thinking and evidence and need, coalesce into a breaking point. Deciding is essentially a change, a change in perspective, understanding, passion, insight or something like that. The evidence gathers that action needs to take place, and then Commit and Execute are soon coming down the pipeline. Once your understanding comes to the Decision point, once you are convinced by insight to move in a certain direction, then come Commit and Execute.

Commit is where most of us fall apart or fail. If Decide is the emotion, then Commit is the structure. Putting structure in place, building structure, binding yourself to a course or a cause or a movement, is involved and messy and costly in time and energy. And it generally takes the bulk of the time compared to Decide and Execute. Its the long haul piece. This is the pledging of yourself to a course of actions.

And that is when you shift to Execute. When you do it. When you put that plan and structure and emotion into action to complete an intention. Execute can also be a long haul process, but many times is more the culmination of years of commitment. Or like with my Real Estate investment company, it could be a series of small executions over years to finish the over all execution of retirement resources.