Dr D’s Diagnosis

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In the dark

Chapter 24

Spraying the wasps in the dark. What a great metaphor in life. To me personally it sounds like a perfectly good way to get stung a million times. I think I prefer seeing my wasps coming for me, over not being able to see them at all. But according to my dad, that is when the nest is most full and you can kill the majority. I have not fact checked this, nor do I care if it is true or false. MY point is that wrestling with wasps is always risky business, but far far more so in the dark. Dangers signals are useless if you can’t see them coming.

As we get older we are generally more thoughtful, and avoid more dangerous situations. Evidently that maxim failed this morning as my dad went cheerily out the door in the full dark. Ok ok, you have to take some risks, it is better to deal with the wasps rather than just hope against hope that you aren’t going to get stung if you leave them alone. In fact we did just that, and I got stung. So deal with it ok! But not in the dark.

Address what is coming or what needs to be done in the full light so that you are best equip to stay or run or whatever needs to be done in the situation. Give yourself the best chance of a positive outcome. Don’t believe old wives tales. Don’t try to impress anyone. See clearly the situation and think with great clarity. Use your brain. You can do this.