Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Longfellow is wrong

# Chapter 243

Longfellow was a believer in working through, and into the night as a key characteristic of those who succeed. I could’t disagree more! While that may have been a key for those of Henry’s generation, that is the worst key for today. Today you need sleep. Real deep long sleep. This is one of the keys to success for people in 2021. In fact the older I get the more sleep sensitive I become. I have even given up my favorite beverages in the world in order to have the best most awesome sleep experiences night after night. For those of you who know me well, that is a serious commitment to high caliber sleep.

Work hard all day long, but when it comes to night, man needs sleep. Its the greatest gift from God of all the gifts that He gives to men. It is one third of your life - that should tell you how important it is! Honestly no self-leadership decision I have ever made, had such a huge impact as the one I made to high quality sleep. Seriously it makes every single moment of the waking day richer and more vibrant and more more. That comes from the sleep side, not from the working harder longer side. The better my rest the far better my working hours produce. So I agree with Longfellow in that the most diligent workers are usually the best and most successful, but in the modern world they are also the workers who rest best. Each hour of high quality sleep multiples my every hour of work in terms of clarity and productivity. Don’t let the bedbugs bite.