Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Full and lush

# Chapter 258

This morning is wet and green and alive after all that rain we had yesterday. This is what we need in our idea funnel and our thinking processes and in our leadership development ideas, we need rain. We need fresh moisture and life in our parched process and development procedures. If we don’t regularly water these ideas and inputs they will die on the vine and we will never see or taste the fruit of these potential producers.

Living everyday seems to take all the air out of people and thinking about their futures and development feels like it is too much and out of their reach and out of their wheelhouse. But unless you and I are resigned to keep living that same life until our time is over, we have to make room for change and growth and new possibilities. And this is never a one and done kind of process, this is a posture that we have to have till the end. This is how we have a wet green full and lush life that is well watered and properly nurtured and reaches all its potential.

Isn’t this the life we want? Then the status quo will not get us there. You have to water and nurture this kind of potential out of the root system that you have in place right now and that may not be enough in the end. But we all start with where we are, there is no other starting place. Down the road we may have to hire a backhoe and dig your tree or starting place completely up, but that has its own challenges. Most of us will do just fine if we start period.