Mentally bloated
# Chapter 255
It is that time of month again, the time to consolidate all the information and material that you have been collating and gathering for the last 30 days for all your clients and then put it into a cohesive form that helps them move forward in their development and helps their businesses grow and their ministries expand. It is that time again, when I am challenged over and over as I assimilate the material that I am sending to all of them. I mean I get to read it over and over and it gets planted in my head and that is mostly good. But I usually feel mentally bloated this time of the month. Overfull of leadership and development ideas and almost no place to express them or exercise them or try them out. Its that time of the month again.
My idea funnel works hard all month, and then when it is that time of the month again, everything switches to writing and forming and combining and final curation before the clients/customers get their email from me or a call from me. And the product is delivered. And like a good book they can read it over and over and over and let the ideas soak into them slowly and purposefully and saturate their minds and strategy and execution. Of course in the real world some months they read it, other months they don’t or can’t because these people are living in tough places and in recent months have faced war and military coups and displacement and other difficulties. Its that time of the month again.