Revolutionize your day!
# Chapter 254
Helping other people is revolutionary to your whole day. We did this yesterday for an octogenarian who needed a row of bushes cut down beside her house. She simply could not have done this herself. She needed outside help. We all do occasionally and don’t think you won’t! But that is not the point here, the point here is that helping her changed the whole day, for her yes, but more so for the helpers.
The trap most fall into is that they are too old or too frail or too busy to help other people. These are just excuses. You want to energize your whole day, go help someone else. It was so much fun to see how much chatter and excitement this helping event caused around here. It changed all the conversations it changed all the complaints, it changed all the perspectives and it changed the tone for the rest of the day and that even flowed over into this morning’s conversation.
I have this experience regularly as I am an international worker - a rich person in a poor country. But honestly this only affects my scope and scale of how I can help. A helping hand first mentality was common when I was a kid, much harder to find now it seems. A help yourself first mentality seems to be the course of the day. But you and I can change this, we can offer and follow through with help every day and watch our lives blossom and change. Best therapy ever.