Move the mountain
# Chapter 271
Few want to carry the stones. Most want to take credit for moving the mountain. But carrying the stones is exactly how mountains get moved. One stone at a time, this is how we move mountains. Consistency and persistence are your right arm and your left arm. Resilience and grit are your left foot and right. This is how we change big and small things. This is how we enforce our will upon the world and make our impact. This is how we succeed, one stone at a time. Unless you are herculean in your strength and stamina and you can carry two or three or ten. But most people are wise enough to understand how to move the mountain are also humble enough to know that they can only carry one stone at a time. Especially since this is a long game not a quick one. We will be carrying stones for a while.
Some may feel stone carrying is beneath their station in life and not a good use of their time and resources, but there are relational and emotional and life credits you get for carrying stones. You need to see others carrying stones and they you. There is a true sense of solidarity for stone carriers and there is only one way to be a stone carrier - move the mountain.