Inspiration the one half
# Chapter 260
Inspiration. It can be the simple pleasure of a quiet room and a hot coffee. It can be the open road on a motorcycle. It can be the mental space to think and to consider new ideas and the to figure things out. It can be the hum of a well made engine. It can be the helpful person you just met. It can be the luxury of a soft bed. It can be found in the repetitive task of cleaning or organizing. It can be just simply a space in your heart . . . and a million other things. It will ultimately be what you need it to be, or you will not find your inspiration. And it is something that most people have to look for, it does not find us, but rather we it. If it is to be called inspiration, then it will be enough to move us to action and to change something within us. If it does not do these things, then it is something other than inspiration, even though it well may be something good.
Then I have to stop and ask myself, “what is this calling me to do?” That answer is not always as clear as I would like but inspiration demands a response and an action and forward movement. The precious silence of this room and the mental space to think is such a gift that to do nothing with it would be a travesty. Inspiration is one half of a great gift and what we do with it is the other half.