It’s just a mental construct
# Chapter 286
Well I got back, and I am feeling overwhelm with all there is to do around here, after being overwhelmed with all that I had to do at my dad’s house. So is overwhelm my new normal? Heck I don’t even have a regular job, how can I be overwhelmed? Perhaps the right question is how does anyone else keep up with all the work they have to do outside their regular jobs?? Sure some of my overwhelm is about being five days behind in my client work, but I can catch that up given enough quiet and focus. Overwhelm means different things to different people, but the crush of the feeling is universal. We all face it at times and at various stages of our lives. So what do we do?
My primary approach to overwhelm is to dig in at a steady pace and realize that every task done is a one off the list and that the list is getting lighter every moment. My primary wish when presented with overwhelm is procrastination! Of course that is not going to accomplish anything, but confession here, procrastination was my go-to action (or non action) for years. I just could not face the overwhelm so I basically stuck my head in the sand and ignored it. It only made things worse, and there were a number of times I failed shamefully and wish I could go back in time and change some of those ostrich moments, but we can’t do that.
I finally grew out of procrastination and that is a really good thing. Now I generally dig in and dig myself out of this mental construct of overwhelm that I regularly am finding myself in. How are you planning to deal with your next overwhelm?