Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Where is that coffee butter?

# Chapter 287

A steady plowing of the work. This is how to break the inertia of overwhelm. Staying at the work steady all day from beginning to end. The primary downside to that was that I couldnt turn off my brain and get some decent sleep. And now I can’t seem to turn my brain back on so that I can write and think! The day is just flowing away and I sit here in a stupor unable to produce anything readable or interesting much less awe inspiring or publishable.

But I can say that, action led to action yesterday and that got all my major items either done or solid progress made on them. It may take me a week to write this 15 minute segment, but yesterday was a slam dunk. There is just as much to do today and so I need to get this mental motor revved up and moving or the day will end and I will be frustrated with overwhelm again. Get that steady plow moving and keep it going. Maybe I am gonna have to try that crazy idea of butter in my coffee because I definitely need more boost than I am getting from my Yukon or Veranda blends this morning.

Get moving. Start living. This is a theme from my ultramarathon days and it has stuck with me. Living is about food for my dad. Living is about moving for me. Motion, action, running, biking, mowing, hiking, walking, and biking some more. These are the actions of thinking and processing too. When that blood is rushing to the brain, it puts everything into turbo. Where is that butter?